With the brewery just getting off the ground, we figured it was a good time to talk about the guiding focus of the suds we’re about to be sending your way and what we want that beer to be.

In two words: drinkable and approachable.

Starting with drinkable: We’re craft beer nerds; we’ll try literally anything you put in front of us and geek out over the ingredients and the process. But we’ll probably have trouble standing up after a couple glasses of a triple IPA or a Belgian quad (we’re getting old, we know). So most of the time, we look for something lighter, whether we’re spending a night on the town, going canoeing, watching a baseball game, or just spending a nice evening in with friends. You get to drink more than 2 brewskies without worrying about embarrassing yourself (any more than usual), and you don’t wreck your palate immediately either. We want to make that kind of beer, the kind that can carry you through a whole experience with your favorite people.

We also want to make beer you never have to worry about, beer where the flavor is always well-balanced and the sips are always refreshing. That’s the approachable part. Again, we love trying the craziest of craft beer offerings (ghost peppers, exotic spices, oysters.. you know the ones), but we want to keep our beers always approachable to everyone, especially those who may just be beginning to explore craft beer. Our hope is that we can build our name on beers that can simply be enjoyed, regardless of how much fuss is heaped on them.

So as we roll out the rest of our core line and develop our seasonals, look for beer that fits that description. We can’t wait to share it with you!

And… all this beer talk is making me thirsty. I’m off to drink some Jai Alai a friend brought back for me from Tampa (a truly great friend).
